Title: A System and Method to Identify user using imaging system.
Patent Number: 512482
Status: Granted
Key Features:
Digital Data Ownership Protection: Addresses the challenge of claiming ownership and preventing theft of digital data, particularly focusing on multimedia content like images.
Image Theft Detection Model: Proposes a model to determine whether partial or complete theft of an image has occurred.
Biometric Embedding: Embeds the biometric feature, specifically the owner's fingerprint, onto the digital image at a micro level, enabling detection of even small portions of image theft.
Spatial Domain Limitation: Focuses on the spatial domain, i.e., raw image data, for embedding the biometric feature.
Non-Distortion of Image Quality: Ensures that embedding the biometric feature does not distort the image quality or introduce artifacts.
Application to Social Media Platforms: Recognizes the prevalence of data compromise on social media platforms and proposes a technique to embed biometric traits into photos published online for ownership verification.
Ownership Dispute Resolution: Aims to resolve ownership disputes by providing evidence of rightful ownership through embedded biometric traits.
Comparative Analysis: Evaluates the proposed architecture by comparing embedded traits with those of the person claiming ownership, assessing watermark imperceptibility, and testing robustness against various attacks.
Accuracy Assessment: Analyzes the accuracy of the technique in terms of false acceptance rate and false rejection rate, ensuring reliable ownership verification.
International Publications
International Journal of Information and Computer Security
Published Date:
November 21, 2022
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research,
A Novel Image Theft Identification Using Biometric Feature
Published Date:
April 1, 2017